Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It's starting to look a lot like Christmas...

It's been awhile Tims, but I'm back, and I'm legal. Yup, yup, I've just celebrated my 19th birthday! In hindsight, you would think celebrating it in an environment like university would be hard, and you would not be mistaken. My weekend didn't start there, so more on my birthday later.

The weekend started with pancakes for dinner. I have this small group thing that I go to. It's part of UCM, and they knew it was my birthday, so they decided to make me pancakes. Breakfast happens to be my favourite meal, and pancakes happen to be my favourite food! It was the exact same way I celebrated my birthday a year ago, but it was in Cambodia then. Made me miss my outreach team so much. Anyways, it was really nice of my core group friends.

That was only my Friday evening, but after the pancakes, I went to a little gathering of sorts at aa friends house. That friend happened to be Viktor, one of the nicest guys I have met thus far. He happens to live in an amazing house with seven other people, and it's only four hundred a month! The forty-five minute bus ride is a little flaw, but some of the other Kalamalka 2nd floor people might live there so I would totally be down. I really enjoyed the dinner and everything 'cause firstly, I got to get off campus and secondly, I got closer with some of the people on this floor who I haven't gotten the chance to get to know. We ended up staying past twelve which meant that I got 'Happy Birthday' sung to me :).

My actual day of birth consisted of attempting to study Chemistry, but it was my birthday, so I guess I had an excuse to not study. The evening was much more livelier... UCM happened to throw a formal banquet for my birthday! No, it just happened to be a coincidence; my birthday and the Christmas banquet were on the same day. I really enjoyed it though. With all the other stuff going on right now, I kind of forgot how sweet UCM is, and how much I love these people. Whats a Christmas banquet without Scottish dancing as well, and there was a lot of that!

With it being my nineteenth birthday and all, I had to get somewhat wild, right? I was actually quite nervous, especially with some of the party animals on this floor. I figure there's somewhat of an expectation for something like a nineteenth birthday. It's like you're like expected to get wasted out of your mind, and you would be considered weird if you didn't. Do not get me wrong, I'm not anti-alcohol; I actually like beer, believe it or not! I just rather connect with a person while they're sober, and I don't like mixing having fun with getting messed up. Funny actually, not mentioning names or anything, but another guy celebrated his birthday on the second and he got so drunk, that he got a minor concussion, a fractured collar bone, and a messed up eye... I ended up getting pretty drunk, but not as drunk as that one guy though. I actually remembered my night in the morning! It was just so low key and chill... Kevin, a friend of mine, ended up getting some booze, and with our toques, jackets, and gloves, we hitched up to the edge of the w
ood and just talked, while drinking of course. Some other friends of mine on my floor joined us and we just had a nice, good time. I love getting the ability to talk to someone that you may be attracted to withouth hesitation. Not mentioning any names! Just kidding! Definitely cannot do this every weekend, and I guess I got what was coming in the morning. I actually had the runs all day, the next day that is... just so you know! Solid birthday all around.

I've been struggling with some stuff lately, and I got some scripture from some scripture that was given to someone else. I love how it's the book of Timothy, and written to Timothy. Just thought I would share.

But you, Timothy, are a man of God; so run from all these evil things. Pursue righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness. 12 Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have confessed so well before many witnesses.
- 1 Timothy 6:11-12

Timothy, my son, here are my instructions for you, based on the prophetic words spoken about you earlier. May they help you fight well in the Lord’s battles. 19 Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear. For some people have deliberately violated their consciences; as a result, their faith has been shipwrecked.
- 1 Timothy 1 18-19
My parents bought a cake for me without my knowledge. Was a pleasant surprise!

Till next time......

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