Thursday, October 28, 2010


I just love giving shout-outs, so why stop? Departures is one of my favourite TV shows, and it's hands down the best Canadian show ever to grace the television box. Departures is essentially a travel show that follows two Canadians (three if you include the cameraman, which you should!), as they venture out to the far out lands, bringing it to you nice and pretty. What makes this show is the relationship between the two friends (Scott and Justin) and just their colourful personalties. I love the top rated comment in the video below; "This show is a work of art". So so so true, and thats what is so appealing to me personally. The art direction, cinematography, etc. is top notch and that is all because Andre Dupuis, the cameraman. The many awards that Andre has won are well worth it. A kickass soundtrack doesn't hurt either. Departures is what really got me wanting to go to New Zealand so I guess you can say it's quite important to me. Unfortunately, the boys can't travel forever without breaks so after three years on the road, they called it quits. I was actually genuinely sad watching the series finale because it's like you were along with them every step of the way. Departures might be the most inspirational show ever so it would be a crime not to give it a try. I strongly recommend the two part North Korea episode. It absolutely blew me away! You never seen the likes of ANYTHING like North Korea.. You can thank me later :)!

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