Thursday, October 21, 2010

New Zealand Love

Everyday that goes by, I find myself missing New Zealand more and more. Being such a patriotic nut, this might come as a surprise or a blow (depending on where you're from..), but I actually might like NZ more than Canada. Well, as much as Canada at least. I guess it's tainted seeing that I did a Discipleship Training School there which includes the making of some unbelievable friendships and crazy life changes. It's not like I can just go there tomorrow for a visit or anything though and thats where the angst comes in. For anyone who knows me, travel holds pretty high on my priority list, well, in terms of passions anyways. The thing is, there's so many countries on this amazing planet and I want to see all of them with my own eyeballs! A part of me is like "well Tim, you've seen the Kiwi's already so it's time to move on..." which angers me so much because I want to see them again! I look back at the decision of not traveling around NZ while I was there for the Olympics here at home instead and wonder if it was the right call. Doesn't take me long to honor that decision because it was the bloody Olympics for crying out loud and nothing can take away that experience from me. If anything, that decision gives me drive to get back, and see the country I fell in love with, with the people I fell in love with. Will I immigrate to New Zealand someday? Only time will tell haha... New Zealand will always hold a place in my heart though, and I long the day that I return. (sappy? maybe, but true!)

p.s. I saw another student today on campus with Kiwi merchandise all over his backpack and thats what stirred all this angst in me. Just so you know :)... The merchandise actually sparked a conversation though and we talked about our adventures for awhile. The guy got to travel around which kind of made me jealous, but it's all good!

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